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Commercial Deep Fryers

Article From:CNIXTime:2019-04-16Click Traffic:2,576


These units are a much-relied upon part of countless commercial kitchens, with capacity to produce tasty and in-demand foods with relatively little effort from the cook.

In choosing a commercial deep fryer, it is important to consider what foods you will be cooking, as that will dictate what type you need. You can learn more about that important consideration and others through the on-page guides in each category below. Whether you’re frying corn dogs at a concession stand or beignet at a fancy French restaurant, we have the right restaurant fryer for you.


Get the Most From Your Commercial Fryer


Effective commercial deep fryer operation requires the implementation of a best-practices routine that starts before the first food items go in the oil and must be followed by every user. While some components of good usage take some work, they’re worth it to avoid some of the problems that will arise if you don’t practice them, including:


Kitchen backups during rush periods that can lead to angry customers and frustrated wait staff, all caused by a fryer that seems like it can’t keep up with your demand.


Foods that aren’t cooked properly, taste terrible, or are peppered with little bits of burnt crumbs.


Skyrocketing oil costs caused by your having to replace it constantly because it has become dark, smelly, and degraded.


Add Food to a Fryer the Right Way


Always slack frozen food in a refrigerator before adding it to the commercial fryer. Slacking, per the FDA, is the, “… process of moderating the temperature of a food, such as allowing a food to gradually increase from a temperature of -10 degrees F to -4 degrees F in preparation for deep-fat frying … .”


Allowing that slight change can make a big difference because it results in a reduction of ice crystals on the food. Water is an enemy of oil. It can promote the break down of the oil and those little bits of ice falling into the hot oil can cause pops and splatters that make a mess and can burn your workers.


Additionally, even a few degrees of temperature change helps reduce the heat required to cook the food. Dumping frozen-solid foods into the oil will result in longer cook times as the oil temperature is quickly dropped. As the fryer struggles to keep up, your staff may become frustrated and adjust the thermostat upward. That not only increases your utility demands, it will also further degrade your oil, lead to a shorter usable life for your fryer, and can lead to food that is burnt on the outside but still cold on the inside.


Avoid Dumping Crumbs and Salt into the Oil


When food, particularly breaded items and those that come frozen in bulk, are emptied into the fryer baskets, it can drop a lot of crumbs. If you’re doing that work right over the frypot, all those crumbs will fall into the oil, where they will cook until they carbonize, then ruin the flavor of your foods, pepper fried items with little black specks, and – again – degrade your oil.


To avoid all that, load your fryer baskets away from the vats and over a container that can capture those crumbs. Additionally, avoid salting your foods over the frypot, as salt is another enemy of oil.


Fryer Oil Filtration is Critical


The absolute best way to protect the quality of your food, and to extend the life of both your oil and your fryer, is to regularly filter your oil. It’s a fairly simple step, particularly if you opt for a fryer with a built-in filtration system. Practiced regularly – which means once every day for most establishments, more if the unit is used heavily – it can make a world of difference in the quality of your foods and can save you significantly in oil costs.


Shanghai Yixi Food Machinery Co.,LTD is the collection development, manufacturing, sales in one, we are specialized in the production pressure fryer、table top pressure fryer、broaster fryer 、Main products include: hot air rotary furnace、 electric/gas food oven、dough mixer、planetary mixerdough dividing machine



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